Early Childhood Education, Christian Education

How to study the days of Creation with your little learners

One of my favorite things to teach my children about is how we are made in the image of God. But what does that mean? Big concepts like this can be hard for little minds to understand. And as adults, we tend to overcomplicate things. But it’s really quite simple! All of the good things we can be reflect a part of who God is. Read on to find out how we learned about it!

We begin with the Word

Does your family enjoy the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones? We love how she makes big ideas so simple for children. We used her story of God’s Creation to get started, as well as reading out of Genesis.

With each day of Creation I set up activities for my learners. You know me – I like to keep it simple! We played with shadows, kinetic sand, and counted fish crackers. This kinetic sand with sea shells activity is always a favorite.

We also made this sun and moon craft using coffee filters and tissue paper. They made great wall decorations for this unit! Each day of Creation we see God’s intention for what He made. Everything has a plan and a purpose. For example, the sun gives us warmth and light, plants give us food, and water gives us life.

The days of Creation is also a great opportunity to practice sequencing for little ones. So I made this sequence activity for my 4 year old to put together. We did the coloring together, and she put them in order.

When we go to the end of day 6, we talked about being made it God’s image – we learned that on the 6th day, the very last thing God made was people. He saved the best for last! He only made people in His image, nothing else in all Creation reflects who God is as we do.

The Bible tells us that God is kind. We can be kind too! It tells us that God is creative. He has given us the ability to be creative too! It tells us that God is love. He made us to love! And why has He given us these pieces of His character? It’s so that we can glorify Him!

If you’re looking for a way to share this truth with your little learners, I’d love to share this resource with you! You can find the lesson outlines, printables, and mini books pictured above in the link below:

Thanks for reading! Have a great week and happy teaching!


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