Math and Literacy

Love Letter Match for Little Monsters

I recently set out this activity for my littler learners and they loved it! It was the perfect way to practice their literacy skills while gearing up for Valentine's Day! Why letter matching? Letter matching is great for pre-readers and early readers alike. For my 3 year old, I set out the capital letters. She… Continue reading Love Letter Match for Little Monsters

Math and Literacy

Are you in a number recognition rut?

Been there! It can be really tricky to get out too. Sometimes kids struggle to connect counting to cardinality, or to differentiate between numbers. They are symbols like letters are, but they hold a different kind of meaning. Here are some easy, hands-on activities I've used to help my little ones get out of this… Continue reading Are you in a number recognition rut?

Math and Literacy

3 Easy Ways to Practice Name Recognition in December

I love a good name recognition activity! To some they may seem like busy work, but they're actually really great for pre-readers! Why name recognition? Name recognition and practice activities can cover a variety of skills. First, it teaches little ones that letters hold meaning. Because it's their own name, it's something they are excited… Continue reading 3 Easy Ways to Practice Name Recognition in December