Dramatic Play, Early Childhood Education

We made an apple orchard in our backyard!

It's finally apple season and I'm so excited to make our yearly family orchard visit! I love the whole experience - the sweet smell of fresh apples, the first juicy, crunchy bite of fruit, the view of rows and rows of trees ready to be harvested. There's so much for little ones to learn at… Continue reading We made an apple orchard in our backyard!

Arts and Crafts, Dramatic Play, Early Childhood Education, Science and Social Studies

We took a not-so-virtual field trip to New York City!

Over the years I've taken my students, both in the classroom and at home, all over the world from the comfort of the classroom. We've floated through the canals of Venice, explored Martian landscape, and plunged to the depth of the sea. My secret?

Arts and Crafts, Early Childhood Education

Arts vs. Crafts – and why we need them

I've been seeing a lot lately about the importance of art in early childhood. And at the same time, crafts are getting a bad rap... What's more, I haven't seen much about the difference between the two. Both play an important role in development, so how do we know which is which? It's true that… Continue reading Arts vs. Crafts – and why we need them

Early Childhood Education

How to make the perfect sensory bin

Sensory bins are great - we love them here! And I'm passionate about making hands-on learning simple and accessible. But why is sensory play important? Why sensory play? Sensory play has so many benefits for developing minds! Sensory bins can be a really great way for kids to self-regulate. It's great for grown-ups too! Give… Continue reading How to make the perfect sensory bin

Dramatic Play, Early Childhood Education, Science and Social Studies

We made a maple syrup farm in our playroom!

It's golden. It's sticky. It's sweet. We love it on pancakes... but where does it come from? Do maple trees just drip this delicious stuff straight from the trunk? This February activity is perfect for you curious learners! Read on to find out how we learned about our favorite breakfast treat and how we turned… Continue reading We made a maple syrup farm in our playroom!

Math and Literacy

Love Letter Match for Little Monsters

I recently set out this activity for my littler learners and they loved it! It was the perfect way to practice their literacy skills while gearing up for Valentine's Day! Why letter matching? Letter matching is great for pre-readers and early readers alike. For my 3 year old, I set out the capital letters. She… Continue reading Love Letter Match for Little Monsters

Early Childhood Education

Beat the January Blues

It's January 2nd, the holidays are over and it's time to jump back into things. But it seems like everyone is just dragging their feet! I'm all about going with the flow and following the learners' lead. So how do we ease back into academics after winter break? Here are some of my favorite activities… Continue reading Beat the January Blues

Science and Social Studies

Our Outer Space Adventure

It can be challenging to find age appropriate science lessons for preschool and kindergarten. When I was in the classroom, my curriculum was seriously lacking in this area. But it's never too early to start STEAM lessons and activities! Whether you're a teacher or home educator, read on for some fun ways to teach little… Continue reading Our Outer Space Adventure

Math and Literacy

3 Easy Ways to Practice Name Recognition in December

I love a good name recognition activity! To some they may seem like busy work, but they're actually really great for pre-readers! Why name recognition? Name recognition and practice activities can cover a variety of skills. First, it teaches little ones that letters hold meaning. Because it's their own name, it's something they are excited… Continue reading 3 Easy Ways to Practice Name Recognition in December